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About Us

     The Cross Foundation works in western Romania together with Romania Outreach Ministries to conduct camps at ROM's conference center in Rusca Montana, Romania. ROM has been working in Romania since 1994 and has been instrumental in Biblical training of pastors and youth workers through Bible schools, church planting and construction

     Youth Camps during the summer and youth rallies designed to evangelize and disciple young people have been the focus of the Cross Foundation for over 20 years. We are a non-profit organization registered in the state of Oregon.

Why work in Romania with youth?

     Teaching directed at young people is limited in rural western Romania.  We come alongside evangelical churches and provide leadership and training for youth using staff from both the US and Romania.  Camps provide a concentrated time for biblical teaching, developing friendships, and a change to present the Gospel to non-believers.  It is also a wonderful time to encourage those who have already accepted Jesus as Savior.  

     Churches in the rural parts of Romania do have full time youth staff and programs.  This leaves a critical gap for young people who are more and more exposed to the changing world values that leave kids confused.  They need solid Christian teaching and relationships with strong leaders that can disciple them.

     You can be a part of having an impact on youth ministry in Romania.  The need is great, but God has the resources needed to continue this ministry.  If you sense that He may want to use some resources He has entrusted to you, you can contribute online via credit card using our Paypal account.  All contributions are tax deductible, and you will receive and year end statement.  Please keep the ministry and leadership in prayer.




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